Sandwich St., Windsor
- On market listing that had been sitting with no offers
- 8 bed 2 bath in the student area
- Listed for $279,900
- Offer accepted at $248,000
- Foundation and slopped flooring scared off buyers
- Foundation and beams were all in good shape but needed patching
- Sloped floors repaired / leveled from the inside
- Whole house repainted
- Main floor flooring throughout
- All new lighting
- Overgrown yard trimmed back
- Originally intended to be a student rental
- Covid hit and the determination was made that finding 8 students would be a challenge
- With delayed reno start, no certainty of students, opted to resell for a profit
- Sold for $337,000 – reno, 6 month holding and selling costs = $71,750
- Still managed to scrape out a profit of $17,250